Here you can talk english/any other with different type of channels make friends talk in vc play with bots buy stuff etc, show your edits/art/and more!
## Admin Commands:
* `/set-channel` - Set the birthday announcement channel.
* `/remove-channel` - Remove the birthday announcement channel.
* `/set-birthdayrole` - Set the birthday role.
* `/remove-birthdayrole` - Remove the configured birthday role.
* `/force-birthday` - Force set up a member's birthday on this server.
* `/purge-birthday` - Purge a user's configured birthday on this server.
* `/purge-birthdays` - Purge the birthdays of members who have left the server.
* `/check-birthday` - Check the birthday of a user on the server.
* `/toggle-ping` - Toggle the role/user ping on birthday announcements.
* `/restrict-access` - Restrict a user or role members from setting up a birthday.
* `/grant-access` - Grant a user or a role's members access to set up a birthday.
* `/blacklist` - Blacklist a user or a role's members from the bot.
* `/whitelist` - Whitelist a user or a role's members to use the bot.
* `/force-announce` - Force announce a failed birthday announcement.
New server! Very friendly to newcomers!
🎉 Active Giveaways (German Empire)
🛒 Extensive Marketplace
📜 Guides for Beginners
🤖 Other Dex and Trivia Bots
👋 Friendly Community and Staff
What are you waiting for? Join Ballsdex Bourgeoisie now!
Hello! We offer a bot that chats with you and replys, to you also when you join I'll give you member because, Our Automatic role is acting up Don't worry, have a nice day, and Thank you for choosing this server to join :) Have a great day!