Established in June of 2017 as a small community, Team Meteor has since developed into a budding esports organization! We compete in Rocket League and Valorant, while seeking to expand into various titles. We also host weekly Rocket League tournaments, while continuing to grow as a thriving gaming community!
Welcome to the official Ethereal Esports tournament discord! Tournaments will be announced at the beginning of every week feel free to check the tournaments channel for more information. Outside of weekly tournaments the Ethereal Esports Tournament discord was created to help teams and players connect with each other. We know how hard it is to find players to compete with and against, our community has your back. Our discord is sponsored and powered by Ethereal Esports we use our community to scout players for our funded rosters.
SPΛЯTIΛTΣ est un serveur Discord communautaire de jeux 🎮
regroupant des Gamers, Streamers, Youtubeurs, Créateurs de maps...
Il se spécialise uniquement sur le gaming "free cross-play" !
Différents salons de jeux sont intégrés :
➤ Fortnite
➤ Warzone
➤ Valorant
➤ Rocket League
➤ Fall Guys...
Des animations mensuelles sont planifiées, regroupant les membres du serveur dans une ambiance totalement décontractée 😃✌️
I started this server at the end of July this year. Now I’m gonna build it up slowly by making my own NHL Fun made up Team here with people I have invited via online friendships or real life friendships. I will be the starting goaltender. First Left winger is gonna be Akaza my bestie online 4 life. First Center is gonna be Ayden from my high school and my newest friend that I trust a lot. Current positions up for grabs are 4 Right Wingers, 3 Left Wingers, 3 Center, 8 Defensemen and one backup goaltender.
I will be putting all the names and stats I will make for each individual person on the team in a google spreadsheet 📄 that will be shared weekly and updated to how your performance has been such as training and your starting personal stats just message me what you think would be best for starting out as an overall from 60 to 83 at maximum on my NHL Pretend made up Team. I’m gonna hold a draft lottery once the first 20 individuals have joined the server. more welcome incase injuries
Bienvenue sur UR2D2 France community
C’est quoi le but du serveur ?
L’objectif de la création de ce serveur est de rassembler tous les fans francophones de UR2D2 dans un seul serveur, car les fans de UR2D2 jouent bien trop souvent seuls, et c’est pour éviter cela que le serveur a été créé.
Que peut on y faire ?
- Parler avec le fan club
- Jouer à UR2D2
- Débriefings avec les autres
Et je suis sur que j’en oublie…
Alors si tu es fan de UR2D2 n’hésites pas à rejoindre, on est le seul serveur francophone pour les joueurs de UR2D2.
Hello! We hope to see you join our discord server and game with us! If you're looking for a safe place for you and your friends, Elite Squadron is the place to be! We have active staff members and active members that play all sorts of video games. Games include Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, and many more.
Hope to see you soon,
Elite Staff