__**Ukaulie Designs**__
"Hey, my name is Ukaulie, I design Discord servers completely for free! If you guys want layouts please join up and use my free templates! With our 24/7 support and daily templates coming out you will not be disappointed!"
➣ Professional Designs
➣ 24/7 Feedback/Support
➣ Active Server/Staff
➣ Request Templates
This server is for anyone who has an interest in Game Design/Development, programming, art, or anything else in the world of Game Development. My goal is to fill this discord with as much useful information for developers of all skill types. Like tutorials, game design videos, interviews, podcasts, and anything else that can help us becomes better at whatever aspect of Game Dev we love the most.
hi this is the discord group of my video game that I'm developing, before joining you can try the game on itch.io:
A discord server for Minecraft Mod. With this mod, many cosmetics and new weapons are added to the game. Moreover, some of them will be from our users' designs.
Minecraft Mod'u için bir discord sunucusu. Bu mod ile oyuna birçok kozmetik ve yeni silah eklenir. Üstelik bir kısmı kullanıcılarımızın tasarımlarından olacak.
» Syntox | Dein Abendlicher Genuss ✨
Zu unserem Stolz kreierte eine Gefolgschaft an Ingenieuren und Wissenschaftlern diesen ausgefeilten Server und arbeiten ständig an weiteren Updates und Events. Jedwillige negative Kritik liegt deshalb objektiv an den Verfassern dieser.
Wir verstehen uns als familiären Late-Night Gaming-Server mit ständig wechselnden Präferenzen und Overwatch als einzige Konstante. Ach ja und ein bissl Designing und Video-Producing gibts hier auch ?
Welcome to Pixel Smith! 🎮
We’re thrilled to have you join our community of passionate indie game developers, artists, designers, and supporters! Whether you’re here to showcase your latest game, collaborate on a project, or just chat about all things game development, you’re in the right place.
Cheap Clothing
Good Quality
Clothing gets done in 1 or 2 days
Clothing gets made first before you pay
graphics packs, gun skins, and a lot more