Welcome to GAC otherwise known as Golrids Arcane Academy which is an RPG based fantasy RP server that is centered around a magical college, around a century ago six noble families joined together to create a city named Golrid where anyone who was gifted magically or physically could reside in peace, the younger generations would be sent to Golrids Arcane Academy so they could learn to control their power and build up their status in the Arcane Guild which employed all the magicians in Golrid.
GAC is extremely new and does not have many members yet so most of the spots are still available if you want to join a fresh community and world where you can make an impact, the server is stat based and uses skills/talents similar to an RPG although we still like to give everyone the opportunity to be unique and creative, the server is also RTK outside of school although we encourage you to try and talk things out before fighting to the death unless there is a valid IRP reason.