We have update a few things on our server over the course of our in-activeness, this is to update our members so they are constantly aware of the changes that are taking place.

-We have updated our alerts in #?-coinbase-alerts to be more accurate in providing its alerts to profit over the market. Easily you can profit 1% up to 20% daily and quickly from it. -We have Introduced two new products for server owners to use on their server. For more details visit #?-premium-bots. -In light of recent pumps, we have adjusted our pricing accordingly to make it more convenient. We have updated our pricing and added two new products in terms of signals. For more details visit #?-premium. -We have purchased a couple of ads from various Server Listing platform, a total of $1,000 was allocated for this (thanks to our fund management clients for donating). We are expected to reach 10,000 members by month end and 100,000 members by year end. -A new individual, @Doom will be partnering with our server providing USDT SPOT signals in #?free-usdt and #?-usdt-signals. -We made a complete content make over on our server, everything has been updated. -Signals on #?-btc-signals will no longer be posted by @13lackCat, instead will be embeded through @The Coin Father [BOT].

We are currently open to partners and individuals that wishes to work together with us. If you are interested, open a ticket via #?-ticket.

#?vip-signals is still open till end of the month for all that chose a zodiac sign in #✅-server-roles, If you haven't already you should do so asap to avoid missing out on awesome signals.

That's it for now, see you soon.