We've just finished developing the new dismantle system in TheCrucibleMC and it's much faster. We've also finished up a few more systems and have begun development of many more! Perks include:

  • Drag and drop dismantling for Destiny deviants and dire destructoids. Proper inventory checks to ensure you have room for the rewards and materials gained are now also in place.
  • Revival system for your fellow Guardians to get back on their feet easier. Just sneak over their corpse for a few seconds and their Ghost brings them back to fight some more!
  • The Fireteam system is up and running and ready to be implemented in our new Crucible plugin.
  • Crucible plugin in planning stage.
  • Resource pack now automatically applies on login and automatically updates from Github. Hurray for automation!
  • Migrated server hosts to a CPU focused VPS on Linode.

Each week we get ever closer to a private alpha, later a public beta. We'll keep everyone informed of our ups and downs as they happen.