Hello everyone! We haven't had an announcement yet since the turn of the year so - even though it's late - I want to wish everyone had a happy New Years! :confetti: ? I hope everyone had a good start to the new year of 2022!

We have a few new things that are going to be hitting the server over the next few days so look out for these:

  1. A new role will be added later today for the server pings for Weekly Questions! Then doubled with the new role will be a new set of channels for a weekly question and discussion for those questions to give y'all something to share about yourself, your characters, campaigns you've been in and/or ran, etc! We're really excited to start the year with this!

  2. Over the next few days we will also be added a Play-by-Post section of the server for tavern roleplay for those that like to Play-by-Post and if it catches on we may expand that! So with that if you see any issues or anything PLEASE make a ticket so myself or our Wizard staff can help you with that!

Regarding our sister server of the Crystal Academy, we are hoping for some of our staff to undergo some maintenance regarding classes and finding something more permanent to do with it so it is constantly moving. Anyone who has joined or wishes to is still welcomed and will be announced when classes will be opened back up for D&D at a later date.