June Invite Event

For every 5 invites you get 20k in Unbelievaboat Currency ~

5 invites = 20,000

10 invites = 40,000

Create your own permanent invite link so it links to your invites!

Whats New:

-We've updated the #?-welcome channel, where can find info on booster perks, staff perks and our new currency bot!

-As mentioned above we have a new currency bot @UnbelievaBoat ! To see a list of the commands, type $help in #?-bot-commands

-We are now doing parnerships with other servers! If you would like to be a partner please dm a @♡ ┊ ?? <3

-New Self Roles in #?-roles

-You can now apply for staff (Link in welcome channel & announcements - make sure you fit requirements before you apply!) The roles include: mod, partner manager & event manager