The Civilised Debate Club is a Debating/Politics discord that covers all different philosophical and debatable cases/events. We promote freedom of speech and make sure that everyone feels like their voice is heard!
We are a constantly evolving server which seeks to accommodate and instill a sense of unity in all good-intentioned collectivists. We oppose liberalism and American aggression and seek to promote Anti-Fascism, Anti-liberalism, Socialism and support for Russia.
A place to debate abortion... and much more!
We have fun events, daily topics, official debates and all that topped by a nice community
Join us, whether it's to learn about the other side or defend your beliefs, everyone is welcomed!
A Discord group for like-minded Patriots disillusioned with the current state of U.S. politics. News, memes, protests, and discussions are shared here.
Come join our server to debate and discuss anything. Based on the principles of debate and a culture of discussion leading to understanding, negotiation, and education regarding the topics found in an increasingly diverse world. Come weigh in!