Cloud bot is an moderation and fun based bot we recycled the old code of MEE4 Bot this bot was created for my friend VAZ, they are one of the owners. for any help join the support server.
Pikrex offers manga translations fast, uncut, and quality. Find Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, and Slice of Life recommendations from other readers.
Moderator bot for manageing server.
- Type [ ?help ] for extented virsion of commands.
- it has basic moderation commnads an some fun commands. kick command (server maneger only ).
- ban command (server maneger only ).
- clear command (server maneger only ).
- whois command to see his id an avatar.
- avatar commands for to see mention person's profile.
- ping command to see ping.
- invite command when the person or user type ?invite mod bot dm him with server id.
Hey there, we are just a fun server with a few bots including dank memer and some nsfw bots too. Were not too crowded either so go ahead and join what are u waiting for? :)
Am a anime fan like you. I just created my new discord server which is based on cool anime bots and trust me they are so fun to play. Hop in my server and start your amazing journey with my community. We also offer Giveaways, Eveng relating to Sofi and Karuta bots, and many more
Opa Servidor da Family ...........................................................????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????