For a limited duration, we're unlocking exclusive access to our new AI assistant channels! This is your chance to interact, test out their capabilities, and provide feedback.

🚀 Channels now open for testing:

📌 For guidelines on bot interactions, please refer to the pinned message in each channel.

A few key points:

  1. Member Perks: If you're level 20 and above, you'll continue to enjoy free access to these bots even after the testing phase!
  2. AI Testing Note: These bots are still in their testing phase, so they may occasionally be taken down for extended periods to fine-tune and optimize the experience.
  3. Future Accessibility: While these channels are currently open to everyone, they will soon be integrated into our server economy. Members will then require gold coins to access, which can be earned through active server participation.

🤝 Community Bot Update: Our trusted community bot has leveled up! You can now pose questions in any channel.

Make the most of this exclusive opportunity, dive deep, and have fun exploring the new AI worlds! Your feedback during this phase is invaluable. 🎈🥳

🎨 Art Contest Reminder: Don't forget about our ongoing Natural Art Contest! Showcase your creativity and stand a chance to win exciting prizes. Check out the details on our server