azgaar oriented server that sometimes hosts really cool games. you ever heard of 1880s? new fad around here. usually theres this guy, he is a dinosaur, he hosts these games but we are open to other cool hosters and could even utilise many OTHER programs to host these games. so why not join right abooout now
A ordem Teutônica se dedica a derrubar e expor SV que promovem coisa erradas, você pode entrar aqui e agir como um verdadeiro soldado.Também invadimos servidores caso formos ameaçados.Junte se a nós Soldado, seja meu filho(a)
Welcome to the Dwarf Army, we are a new group hiring HRs and devs. We are a ranking group so you train and fight to rank up! This group is taken seriously and if you wish to join you must be respectful. Join us and fight against those who wish evil on our people!