Add MSA/SSA Scroll Game Event > Exchange > > Price MSA/SSA scroll: Toket Susi x150 + 5m Alz]


  • SSA/MSA scroll armor, maximum 14% , So, if you want to make full MSA/SSA. the result on the last slot is 0% [carefull], Solution? Put ASA on the last SLOT. If you want to put ASA with SSA/MSA scroll, make sure put the first scroll is ASA / Make sure made the steps is correct . example:[ SSA - SSA - ASA ] not [ SSA - ASA - SSA ] / [ MSA - MSA - ASA ] not [ MSA -ASA MSA ]
  • For Armor have 2 options (Demonite Craft). Don't made 3 different scroll. [MSA/MCR/ASA] - [SSA/MCR/ASA]
  • For MSA/SSA scroll it will show 7% even if you're put 2 MSA, However, it will show 14% when you using Extender.

If you have any concerns about that, Feel free to DM me in discord!