Oh... Hey, look at this! An update! Thanks, seasonal depression, for removing my will to type these out! Now that we're back for at least the next few months before I spiral deeply into a lightless hole, let's get some changes sorted!
We revamped the entire server! All the ranks and roles got changed! We livin' the Feudalism life now, son. Everyone is ranked based off of their value in "Calliopean Coin" and are promoted and demoted automagically based on how bad (or good) they are with money. Communists heard crying in the corner are to be ignored.
We're a streaming server now, too? Yeah, I think we decided on that. The server owner, Eris, streams now and she's kinda good at it and we didn't want her to have to run two servers. We merged her streaming server with CC and it's working so far. The.... loyal twitch viewers get their own channel for Eris to talk with them in and some special goodies that are specific to the twitch areas of the server. The rest of the server remains unaffected by their devotion and loyalty to Eris' streams.
We're doing more AMAs! We recent had one with an actual Monk who wanted to dispel some myths and rumors as well as give us all a better understanding of what a monk is! Also, with the lads from the Kings And Generals channel drop by! I had been watching the latter's channel for years and was pretty excited to get to get to know how things began and progressed.
We're going to start a NEW debate tournament up again soon. Details are scarce as of yet, but oh lawd he comin and you best be ready for im'.
Subclubs!? SUBCLUBS! There's no limit on joining them, now. Enjoy. Also, we added a few and removed some others. Not much to say here, really. They're doing great events, pulling in their own AMAs and just doing cool stuff.
Join and experience some of the changes or just stick around and wait for an AMA or an event and see if you like them! We'll see you there.
https://www.youtube.com/c/KingsandGenerals/ - They do military history stuff and it's awesome!
https://www.youtube.com/c/MonkLife - A monk!
https://calliopean.club/ - US!