Patch Notes 1.41a

Trying to keep to roughly a week to ten days between patches. This gives me enough time to work on feedback and fixes and add new functions and elements. The following are the patch notes for 1.41a

ARK Terminals

All systems now have an A.R.K refining access point. This means along with the spawn of Novastone that you should never be caught in a (current) active system with no Jump Fuel. Sure, you may need to go mine some Novastone and refine it in an ARK Terminal but you won't be stuck.

NPC Sales Agents

All the systems outside Feris now have at least one sales agent that sells various items along with Jump Fuel Cannisters. These are there so you can top up on essentials (at a premium price) and for those that simply don't want to mine and get the Fuel for free. Over time these NPC's will become dynamic. I've already instigated looking into this, but for now, they have prices set per location / NPC.

Combat Targetting

Thanks to SMO we now have a fix for the offset Targetting reticle in space. Whilst the reticle looks fine on ground force enemies, it looks very weird being offset below the ships and asteroids. This should now be fixed in this release. If you spot any that are still offset please let me know. (Hannon Discord).

More Enemies

More new Enemy Ships. I have been working on adding more types/styles and faction-based ships for the various systems. As you get lower into the law levels don't be surprised if you meet way stronger bad guys. Please start to consider this when taking missions to systems further down the law level chain. Hannon is an open sandbox once you have completed the initial story line, we will NOT stop you entering dangerous law levels. This is for you to work out !

Bounty Targets

Now that the bounty system has been fixed and the bounty targets appear correctly in each system (sporadically) I have made the ship types vary. You will also now get a warning from ZED that a bounty has been detected in the system. Depending on how large the system is you may need to look for it, or it may come looking for you :) I have increased the XP and credit reward on these targets as they are tougher than most. Also, bounty rewards have been increased.

Asteroid Mining

From this patch on, Asteroids will require a Mining Laser (of any type) to mine them. Before now you COULD use the mining laser provided (Mission chain in Sector 9), or simply sit for five minutes hammering them with your Auto Cannon :) But no more...

You will now be given an on-screen message when trying to mine using anything other than a mining laser.

Medbay Recovery

System locations rechecked and verified for recovery to the correct 'in system' Medical facility, seems I previously missed a few locations. This should now be fixed. Anyone incapacitated or their shuttle destroyed should now be hauled back to a local medbay. Thanks to Prev for spotting that one.

Version Number

Version Number added to the game. This can be found by pressing escape and bringing up the menu. In the text on the right, it declares which version this is in the title. Of course, you can read the patch notes from the front loading screen of the game (Main Menu) but if you wanted to check whilst 'in the game' this is now available.

Repair Service Nags Removed

I was made aware of an issue with the Repair Service for Shuttles. It was working as intended but had an annoying side affect IF you said no to the repairs. These nagging reminders (if you said no) have been fixed. Now you will only get asked if you want to repair ONCE when you land or dock at each location. (based on your shuttle being damaged). Thanks for that one Ram2000.

Looking for Testers

We are now looking for early access players who wish to join our small team of testers. These players are given access to periodic development runs that we create to test new additions and work on fixes. If you are interested join our Discords Channel Hannon Discord

Indicate you are interested in being an EA Beta tester. Please only apply if the game is something you are likely to enjoy testing and have no issues with running multiple copies of the game on your PC. Please note also at this time our reporting and interaction language is English.