Hi everyone, we’ve added ⁠server-faq to address some of the more common questions the maids receive on the server. Each question is its own message so feel free to link directly to the most helpful question if they are brought up in conversation.

I added a new guide for anyone still a little confused on how to approach our discord server.


The channel previously titled "announcements" has been split into two different channels.

⁠server-updates - which will show little updates such as this, and general server announcements. ⁠events-and-activities - which will have event pings for easier access

A few channels were revamped and made easier to read:

⁠channel-guide ⁠server-faq ⁠roles

Pen and Paper is now known as ⁠tabletop-rpgs and has been moved to the Interests section for easier discussion Otherwork is now known as ⁠other

Added a ⁠how-to-spoiler-images channel to help anyone who needs help with adding spoiler tags to their images and links.

It also has a guide on how to enable reduced motion to make sure gifs do not autoplay.

New ⁠roles just dropped!

Specify if you’re open for short term or long term trances! (Or just pick both)

@Short Term Trances @Long Term Trances

And they’ve been requested for a bit but they’re finally here! Use these two pings to summon an audience when you’re doing a trance that’s open to the public!

@Ping: Voice Trance @Ping: Text Trance

Also the warning react was not working as intended for the Never RP Trances role so you may want to double check that it was added to you!