It is very new and it is a fun sever based on among us it is not an official among us sever I made it and there is a lot of bots self roles matchmaking chats for the sever and eve non-VC matchmaking there is a lot do in the sever I also need staff really bad if you join and want to be in the staff please feel free to apply but make sure to please take time on it.
Welcome to the server w will have 1 give per month when w start earning morny is when we start to do more giveaways but from. Now on 1 for each 2 months and
We would likely appreciate if someone. Could boost our server it would help us grow and have a more active community
Eclipseica is a faction made up of several states on, from the deserts and canyons of the Zia, the historic navel power of Casepeakia, and to the beautiful mainland of Usiconia, the states are sure to impress. The factions esthetic incorporates a culture of futeristic spaceships and mega cities with a rural wilderness that encompasses most of the country with small country towns of unique architecture and massive continental mountain ranges.