The sellers in this Discord server are agents that offer products for free in exchange for reviews. It is crucial that you select a country role from the below (you can assign these by clicking one of the reaction roles) otherwise you may not be able to view any products relevant to your country.
You can either go to #product-request and post what you are looking for. Sellers will either DM you or tag you if they have any relevant products in stock. You will be provided a few keywords (i.e. item name, brand name, vendor name, etc.) in order to find the product. It is advised that you "shop around" instead of clicking direct links.
Once you found the product you're looking for, send a screenshot of the product (with the item, brand, and vendor name included) to the agent so they can double-check that it's correct. Once it's confirmed, go ahead and purchase it, and send a screenshot of the order with the order ID. The rest is easy!