This is a discord server for girls and females only who are aspiring people who can voice act for their dream and their career, especially to reach out to the spotlight if they would become "professional VO" people; in regard in art scene and voice acting scene and cosplay community scene,: this is all for everyone for that variety of piece of work and as a whole for voice acting to unpaid to the paid project of Voice Acting scene for the community, this group server is to help other female VA actress or user or other gender project is to help promoted there project that is paid and unpaid, or a need or want something to do from someone else works, it is for everyone and for everything as a whole... Please note: by girls user that go by "she/ her" or pronun by other: "them/ they" or "it/ thing" and genderfluid etc - please respect proper of them.. It only for girls by only female, it for fun and creativity.
Rather it will be VO project for a fan game, video game, anime, movie, fan an