The tale of a Shinobi, Valiant, powerful, determined. It has been Fifteen years since the last Shinobi War, ended by the successor to the previous Raikage. Promoted via their Predecessors passing, this time has not been entirely peaceful. However the introduction of the L.E.A.P program has made strides to calm tensions. The aim being to allow the Shinobi of one Nation to be exchanged with that of another. For ten years this system has been in action, and it is now that some issues are beginning to arise, as Shinobi who grew up never knowing a world without the program are beginning to question why it's in place. To be taken away from their families willingly or otherwise, leaving friends behind in the process. Meanwhile those native to the villages are finding it more uneasy to be around so many Shinobi they can't identify. Turmoil is likely not far behind,