Introducing our Guild Assistants!

First of, we've reached and broken through our 100 guild member goal for the year! Yay!

As our guild is slowly growing, it'll be a bit hard for the Moderators [@Keeper (⚖️)] and Officers [@Sentinel (?)] to handle everything. We came up with the idea to hire Assistants to maintain overall order.

Guild Assistants will have the [@Sentry (?)] role. They'll be around to help our new members get the initial setup and verification. Please reach out to them for any help needed!

Guild Assistant Team 1: @Ken (☣), @Lan, and @shaman

Guild Assistant Team 2: @[Miyonno Silvarion ❄?], @Mabu | 600115994, and @Raiden

For applications, you can drop a short introduction in the #?-suggestion-box and tell us why you're interested and something unique about yourself - it can be anything!

Special mention to @Killmaker75 for being the 100th guild member!

[Drop any suggestion or request in the #?-suggestion-box!]