Laid back 16+ Anime, Manga, & Novels Server! Everyone is welcome so feel free to drop by and say hello!
We are currently hosting a giveaway for 5x Nitro! (10$ one) til the 21th september
Doki Doki is an Anime, Gaming and overall fun Discord community! We have awesome Emojis, 3 Rust servers, 2 Minecraft Servers, friendly members and are always excited to meet new people! Join us! We love ecchi :O
Mina-san konnichiwa, <Anime Mafia> H|NA|Herod here looking for new bakas in their ranks, it doesn't matter if you’re old or a new, we don't have many rules as long as you're able to endure a few funposters! Make sure to read the pin when you join in desu~
* one of the most active osu communities! *
we're a community of osu players just looking to have fun. with giveaways, events, and more, you'll never be bored here!