Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels!
Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Ryan’s Glorious Dankers!
We are very serious when it comes to dank memer ?!
- We love to do giveaways, this includes flash giveaways.
- We have partner heists notifications!
- We actually do heists too ?
FA Bump FA Bump is a bot with the ability to post ads to other servers. Here you can bump with the simple slash command [/bump] and so your server will be sent to all servers where FA Bump is in. You want to know how your rank is in the system, then use FA Bump or you want to build reach as well as gain users, then use FA Bump You want to beautify your ad with a banner, then use our FA Bump Premium package so you have access to beautifications and more. Invite FA Bump to reach more users and use more successful reach Your FREE ADVERTISEMENT Bump Team
Welcome to Trinity. This discord server is the main talking platform for our minecraft bedrock realm. If you enjoy watching the HermitCraft server, then you will enjoy playing on our realm. We have a growing shopping district, an ever-expanding nether hub, and much more. As we manage to gain popularity, community events will also begin.
Looking for admins too!!