A server meant for introverts/hikkis to make friends. If you're not enticed enough by that I offer you free cookies and a lifetime supply of memes upon joining.
Baltā Nakts Latviešu discorda serveris
ir vieta, kur satikties, sarunāties un dalīties interesēs ar citiem latviešiem.
Mēs piedāvājam draudzīgu un aktīvu kopienu, dažādas tēmas, spēļu vakarus, filmu skatīšanās pasākumus un citas aktivitātes.
Serverī valda pozitīva atmosfēra, un mēs nodrošinām drošu vidi visiem.
Pievienojies, lai izbaudītu foršu laika pavadīšanu kopā ar līdzīgi domājošiem cilvēkiem!
This server is used as a way for people to find My streams and videos I try todo what's best for my fans and Im trying to get new members I hope ya'll enjoy the server.
A nice community for Artists, Content Creators and others who just enjoy Chatting! Chill (crazy) community
-Chill members and Active Community with a bunch of new and upcoming Content Creators and a bunch of larger ones!
-Nice artists and writers who are bored and sometimes draw creators just cuz they can. Also a bunch of game devs and content managers that can help you grow or make anything you want!
-YouTube, Kick and Twitch Integration with a point system and much more!
-Helpful Staff that you can ask about anything obs, editing .etc (Not irl stuff they don't go out)
idk i just made a server cuz i keep getting kicked or banned from every server i join so idk.
A place for people that can't find a community or get told to leave and get kicked or banned from every server they join for weird reasons.
Welcome to our friendly hangout! This is a space for 14-17 year olds to meet, chat, and share fun moments. Whether you’re here to chill, game, or just talk, everyone’s welcome. Come vibe with us and make some awesome friends!