If you want to start learning something new but you think you don't want to go through this learning path alone and you want to find a partner, this is the right server for you. You can find partners for learning some popular languages as well as programming langues, you can also spend your time wisely in the voice channels by discussing the topic that you want to learn with people with mutual interest.
??Hyperish is a new minecraft market.
In this shop you can buy server of minecraft, Bungeecord settings and other things(join there for discover it).
??Hyperish è un nuovo mercato di Minecraft.
In questo negozio puoi acquistare server di minecraft, impostazioni di Bungeecord e altre cose (unisciti qui per scoprirlo).
Welcome to Programmer's Den.
We seek a clean community of programmers, Learn together and grow your career.
Grab your coffee!
Here we offer
- Help in programming
- Friendly server
- Friends 'cause you don't have
- Respect
- Nice staff
What can you do?
- Seek for help
- Share your thoughts
- Share your hobbies/interests
- Make friends?
What are you waiting for!
• Coding support
• Non toxic
• Fast responses
• Developer roles for many coding languages
• You may Advertise child friendly content in the appropriate channels
• Overall a fun place to be in