╠════╡🙋 9100+ Members╞════╣
If You are Horror Enthusiast, You should definitely join Friends and Horrors Discord Server!.
Join FaH to participate in:
• 🎁 Giveaways,
• 🎃 Horror Trivia Quiz Event [FAHSAW],
• ❓ Horror Team-Riddle Event [FAHROOMS],
• 👻 Horror Movie Nights,
• 🎮 Horror Game Nights,
• 👗 Cosplay Contests,
• 📚 Horror Literature Nights / Creepypastas and books,
••••• and many more!
The Owner or Friends and Horrors discord server is Josip Baričić, born in 2001 from Croatia. Currently studying Business Informatics at faculty of Economics in Osijek. He started his discord journey back in 2017 and since then has ran multiple very large servers and worked with gaming companies like Steam, Valve, Rockstar... He sold most of his servers and currently running just 2 from which ones only Friends and Horrors is currently active and running