Sorry, we tried hitting it with a wrench, but couldn't get an invite out of it. Try back later or check out these other great servers you might love ❤️
The Balkans are our favourite region and most based out of them all. Join our server to discuss politics. We are a nice community that love history and memes.
This server is primarily made for people that are Serbs or support Serbs.
If you are not a Serb or don't support Serbia, that is fine, we accept people that have different opinions as well.
We hope you join!
????? Dobrodošli na PinkSheep ?????
✔️Balkanski Discord Server | Gaming Community✔️
? Ranks ? ? Music ? ? Casino ? ? Memes ? ? Stuff ? ? Games ? ⚠️ Content ⚠️ ? BOTS ?
❗️ Očekuje vas dosta zabave i odličan Community ❗️
❕ Napredujte i povećajte svoj rank aktivnošću ❕
? Upoznajte nove prijatelje ?
✅ Pridruži se i postani član PinkSheep Akademije ✅
Ενεργός Ελληνικός σερβερ με κύριο θέμα τα games, τα anime αλλά γενικότερα ο,τι μας αρέσει.
Στόχοι του σέρβερ:
✅H παρέα
✅H ενημέρωση για δωρεάν παιχνίδια
✅H εύρεση συμπαικτών για Clash, Valorant κτλπ
?Τρέχουν Αυτόματα bot giveaway bot
?Διεξάγονται τουρνουά
Σας περιμένουμε!
Fallout 76 for Greek players! Join to grow the Hellenic community of Appalachia. PVE and PVP teams available. We help new players, and grind with the old ones.
ένας fun ελληνικός discord server για ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ άτομα! έχουμε:
❤️ bots
? events
? ρόλους
? game nights
? music channel
? screening system που προστατεύει από trolls και spam!