Update 11

Server organization and Easy-to-access.

◈ The server channels have been reduced in number and have been arranged an order which is easy to access and understand.

Both Hadith and Quran sources channels are merged in main-sources .

All courses have been merged in courses

Both Quran and Hadith preservation channels have been merged in preservation

Book-recommendations channel have been moved to al-andalus-library

All bots channel have been merged into bots

New channels and updates

◈ A new channel nodesign? is created, inspired by blogging theology. Here you can post pictures of creations of Allah and praise and appreciate the oneness and perfection Allah's attributes.

◈ Both rules and go-to-channels have been updated

◈ A new channel task-list is created to keep myself motivated restricted to achieve the target of the month

Discourse ◈ A whole new category by the name of Discourse is added, here we can discuss and share Islam with non-Muslims, we can address doubts of our Muslim brothers and sisters. rules for this discourse are added in both category itself and rules . With this I have update information about discord on Discordme and Disboard using SEO, so expect more members. Hopefully we can do something for academic discourse of Islam.


◈ Youtube has allowed everyone to post community posts so from now own reminders will also be posted on YouTube.

◈ A new series called No-Design and No-design have started on our channel.


Rumble is an alt of YT, so we are going to upload all the videos on Youtube there too.