It's been awhile! Sorry I've failed to keep up with the blogging here, but figured I would address a heap of changes that have occured with the guild as of late;

> Due to Discord's recent policy changes, we can't do music bots anymore. > We've enabled onboarding and had used it to great effect for the "Channels & Roles" thing. > We have heaps of resources explaining basic use of the guild channels. > ModMail is part of our bot loadout now which enables easy reporting of problematic activities. > We have forums now, which are neat for making sure your thoughts don't get buried so readily. > We have heaps of guides for odd things you might not be able to find so easily together online. > We have a LOT more users now, having been above 500 members for some time. > The previously-mentioned feedback provider roles, among other cosmetic roles had been deleted. > While we no longer provide roles as reward for constantly bumping and giving a review, it's still all as-much appreciated!

We're more keen than ever to welcome you. Come on in and ask for help, provide or just lurk and observe things. But we'd like for you to be an active member of our community.