it's a chill gaming server where we show off our art as well, sometimes we talk about different shows and movies. The main goal is to create a safe space for gamers to meet and hang out <3 feel free to join us we would be happy to have you!
This is a rocket league server
And we also have a Minecraft and fifa chat if the server is dead don’t leave and go talk in it with other people and invite your friends to grow the server
Thx for reading
Cya in the server bye
Cu o expertiză de peste 4 ani și o experiență vastă în peste 100 de proiecte diverse, includând business-uri și lumea gaming-ului, sunt dedicat aducerii ideilor la viață. Cu un ochi pentru detalii și o pasiune pentru design, transform visurile clienților în concepte grafice impresionante, aducând o notă distinctivă în lumea afacerilor și a jocurilor online.
Nister Clan
A Strongest battleground exclusive server
We're here to offer the opportunity of being a Nister clan member/Ally
An exclusive way to monetize, advertise grow your community as an Ally
A special way to bond with members and clash with others In every game possible
We offer
1-10k R$ Tournaments 🏆
Frequent Giveaways 🎁
Art/Artist commissions 🖌️
Custom Cape designers 👑
Emoji/Sticker requests 🫥
Easier way to find roblox friends 🫂
A welcoming community ❤️
Game nights 🕹️
Ranking system/Tryouts ⚔️
Active community 🟢
We offer so much more! Explore it yourself at Nister clan
Ft. Youtubers on Tournaments 10K+
Main region: Asia [SE/Southeast]