> What is this place? • At LVFT Collective we are focused on individual growth and being part of a community that shares the ideologies and expertise we've accumulated thru weeks / months / years of fitness / nutrition / sports experience.

• This is a social experiment to see what works best for YOU birthed by pure boredom and a need to create a friendly and safe space to discuss our fitness journeys

> Why "LVFT"? • LVFT is about living (LV) for overall fitness (FT). It's about demonstrating that life is what you make of it whether that be flexing to be better at school, work, gym, relationships, etc. We're a collective hivemind striving to become better together.

> Why stay? • The server is smol and experimental but this is a good place for a fresh start. We're looking for more like-minded people whose input is valued as we are actively seeking leaders and collaborators to make this server fix everything that's "broken" in other servers.

> What makes us different? • We game-ify your activity on the server by establishing a growing (and ever changing) economy bot based on elementary fitness knowledge to keep you informed and reminded of some helpful tips in and out of the gym. Secret channels are unlocked with your activity levels on the server

> Why should I get verified? • Getting verified on this server allows open interaction and viewing of all channels, threads, games, information, etc. that is otherwise kept hidden from anyone else who joins. By default, everyone will be able to interact only with the basic channels for casual browsing to ensure the quality of the server maintains.