Addicting SFW Adult 18+ Community With Over 30,000 Members - Welcome to Chat Lounge! We offer active chats & members, voice chat lobbies, games, events, giveaways, and more!
=======Welcome to All of Blues Crystals=======
* This is a newly made server for people who want to just chill and be apart of a community
* We have fun bots and fun people to talk with
* A variety of channels and voice channels and we do giveaways! (Tatsumaki Bot)
* We have fun events and we will be open to partners soon!
=======Join now!=======
Frisch geborener Discord Server!
Hier findest du alles über Mitspielersuche, Games, Memes, Anime, Freunde, Youtube/Twitch promotion und vieles Mehr!
Alles rund um Spiele wie: League of Legends, TFT, Valorant, Among us, Fortnite usw.
Was du mitbringen solltest: Freundliches Verhalten, Reife, kein Troll, kein Rassismus und am wichtigesten natürlich die Freude am Spielen!
Wir hoffen du schaust mal vorbei! :)
A chill place to come make new friends, a welcoming community always looking for new faces! Hope to see you there :) So much fun! With over 12,000 members, and 30,000+ messages a day!
We have Pokecord alternative!!