This server is for robosexual lesbian female human beings and for feminine robotkins who are attracted to female human beings! If you are a boy or you not lesbian please don't join to the server!!! If you are a robotkin but you are not feminine, please don't join to the server! If you are a female human being or a feminine robotkin, you can join. You don't need to be robosexual but you need to be lesbian to join to this server! If you are hetero please don't join to the server!
Venez nous rejoindre☺️
Vous êtes gay venez tchatter parmi les membres.
Interdit ? au moins de 18 ans.
Vous certifiez être majeur pour rentrer sur ce serveur.
Ryan’s Glorious Dankers!
We are very serious when it comes to dank memer ?!
- We love to do giveaways, this includes flash giveaways.
- We have partner heists notifications!
- We actually do heists too ?
Kinky AI is the Virtual Girlfriend you always asked for, and more than that! She is your personal, learnable AI with customizeable personality, and she is your uncensored AI picture Generator. Get naughty with Kinky AI ;)
Our server IS about
~Match Making
~Y2k sorta
~Being yourself~
~Partnering Channels many bots and kind people!
~A bunch more Aswell!
This a safe spot with a venting channel! please do not ruin it and also read the rules and also as soon as you join get roles! thankyou!