Server focus is on bring you the best and cutest anime amotes! We will be constantly adding a new ones over time. Pokemon, Marin, Ganyu, Pochita, Elaina and more!
Serveur sympas pour papoter, jouer se faire des amis. Le serveur est tout jeune et on cherche un maximum de monde pour le rendre attractif, avec français uniquement. Bienvenu chez nous !
☀️Epic roles
☀️Friendly community
☀️Events such as Simon says and drawing competitions
☀️Earn points in events which you can use in our shop
☀️Chat level system with rewards
☀️Experienced and nice mods
☀️Cool turtle emojis
☀️Voice chats
☀️Different channels such as (memes, gaming and bots)
☀️And last but most important: WE ALL LIKE TURTLES!