Servidor sem regras, e completamente aleatório. Você está livre para fazer o que quiser, a menos que o ditador não goste. Seja bem-vindo(a) ao paraiso.
please join my server, this took too long to build, but i guess ill tell you the eissentials,
1.its an aesthetic emoji server contains snap, and instagram
WARNING: i just started this server, so if ur into nothing for now, then i dont recomend joining
very versatile meme server, with not many rules, and a community that just has fun, this server has offensive, nsfw and wholesome. This server is still in early developement, but we are open to ideas, with many meme channels and diverse bots you can have fun without posting memes.
A community based around friends and my YT channel. Come chill with us and post your favorite songs, memes, art, whatever you desire! Just remember to be respectful :)
A meme server focused on irony and satire. We also have channels for talking about video games, movies, anime, and television as well as several other channels for different types of content.
this is the begging of this server so please follow our rules when your about to verify we like our things organized so please try to to put them in their category aswell