Crypto, Push Notifications, & More

Crypto and push notifications are here! We've rolled out early beta testing for the crypto version of our app and Discord bot. Traders can now submit their crypto trades using real-time market data from 12 different exchanges. Crypto stats will be reset after early beta concludes as we still have quite a bit to improve on and issues to look into. Please report any unexpected issues you may run into. Use the $help command and checkout the crypto section, but we strongly recommend checking out the full documentation.

Push notifications are finally enabled! You can receive instant notifications via your internet browser of trades from other traders you follow. To modify these, go to your Settings, under Account Management, click on the Notifications button. You can enable or disable the types of notifications you get from each user you follow.

We also plan on rolling out the new Trade Sharing feature on which we've been relentlessly working. It will allow you to share your trades to Discord & Twitter with full customization of how your messages and/or embeds look. Initially this will be carried out through webhooks, but we intend on implementing the ability to link your own Discord bot with the same capabilities. We'll also be releasing an update soon regarding this new feature along with exciting news about our new web 2.0 design.

Our launch on Product Hunt is coming soon and we'll need your support! If you would please create a free account on their website so when launch day comes you'll be ready! We'll make a blog on the day of our launch which will notify you as it did with this one, so you can't miss it! To learn more on what Product Hunt is and why we'll be using it to showcase our app you can refer to this post here Appreciate you all!

Read the full post & changelog here

Trade Hub is a free social trading app where retail traders can collaborate, track & share trades, analysis, or ideas. Submit your trades or follow others to receive instant notifications of their trades, integrated automated copy trading capabilities with cross brokerage support. Earn as a top ranked trader for contributing trades or use our app to automate trade signals.

Trade Hub - The Social Trading App