SC is an online platform inspired by Hyde Park's Speaker's Corner, promoting free speech & debates without inciting harm. It fosters knowledge exchange & global connections, emphasizing mutual respect, creating a grounding for intellectual discourse. Share ideas in this digital speaking corner!
Marketplace of Ideas is a debate server for people of all ideologies to discuss anything they like, politics, religion, philosophy, etc. LGBT friendly.
The Infidel Abode is a skeptic based discussion and debate server that focuses on intellectual discussions. This server is also focused on being a community for the non religious, and apostates. Infidel means "a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one's own." This term is often used as an insult but we've embraced it
The central conceptual theme here at Nameless Debates is an overwhelming focus on the free exchange of ideas, opinions, critiques and compliments that emerges from the sort of open dialogue that we love to promote on this platform.
Christian Theological Discussion, Fellowship, Debate, and Resource community aiming to connect people of all faiths through the common passion of studying and learning Christian Theology.