Servidor do criador de contéudo Drakink.
O objetivo desse servidor é de interagir com o pessoal, juntar as pessoas que gostam do meu trabalho na internet e conversar com todos, me divertir e dar muita risada!
Hallo and Welcome to Poseidon's Palace Promo.
Purely for Promotion!
You are welcome to ask me any questions if you have some!
PROMO section:
-Livestream! Posts whenever you go live on Twitch!
-Post your Twitch.
-Post your YouTube.
-Post your Instagram.
-Post your Twitter.
-Post your Facebook.
-Post your Discord.
-Post your Discord.
-Post anything else in the Others channel.
Be sure to stay with the topics and read the rules!
Hope you have a lovely day.
Kind Regards,