Welcome to the United North Atlantic Antifascists and Anticapitalists - UNAAFAC!
We are a Discord server focused on build a strong anti-fascist and anti-capitalist movement within the countries from the North Atlantic (Europe and North America) but mainly focused on NATO member countries.
We are pro-socialism, pro-communism, pro-Marxism, pro-leftism, pro-progressivism, pro-LGTBQIA+, pro-Otherkin, pro-Therian, pro-Divinekin, pro-Drug, pro-Abortion, pro-Religion, pro-Spirituality, pro-Divinity, pro-AES, pro-Marxism-Leninism, and so on!
We also advocate for the creation of Socialist Republics all over the North Atlantic countries and the creation of our lovely North Atlantic Commune, and then the creation of our precious Socialist World Republic/Federation.
Join us today, let's fight the fascism and capitalism within the North Atlantic countries!