A place for all programmers from beginners to experts. Learn how to code or get help with your coding problems. Pickup a new language or pickup some developers for your latest projects.
Tired of every coding server you join being filled with losers who think pronouns are more important then what language they program in?
Join Based DEVS. A server for BROders. Don't worry, you can make an attack helicopter joke here while also showing off your latest project.
Comunidade da plataforma de cursos de programação DevByGB. Servidor possui bate-papo, divulgação de vagas de emprego (brasil e exterior), suporte a dúvidas, etc.
Uniworld est plus qu’un simple discord, c’est un petit monde de la création. Vous pouvez retrouver une partie Programmation de Jeux, Graphisme, Développement et Sound (d’autres arriveront à l’avenir si besoin.)
Le but est de réunir une communauté active, pouvoir s’entraider si on a un problème, partager ces créations pour avoir différents avis, rechercher des personnes avec qui faire un projet etc.
We are a Javascript-based community focused on mentoring and helping new developers. Our primarly focus is on but not limited to front-end development. We post monthly projects for our members, and answer any of your web related programming questions. We also have monthly giveaways for our premium roles which includes access to group-based & mentored projects, design files, tasks, and more!