Welcome to the Review Exchange Network!
We’re glad you’re here. This server is designed to help business owners and individuals enhance their online reputation by exchanging reviews on various platforms like Google, TrustPilot, and many others. Please read through the rules and guidelines to ensure a smooth and beneficial experience for everyone.
A Business Minded discord server that isn't full of spam. We're building a community to help everyone grow our businesses together. Make connections, get help on a project, find work, etc. Hope to see you on the server soon!
(It's a fairly new server so active members are welcome)
Pour toute les personnes qui souhaitent progresser et devenir meilleur.
Nous avons des sections variées : business, finance, séduction, littérature, craft, nutrition, sport et art.
Nous faisons des réunions tout les dimanche soir à 20h en vocal, nous avons des défis de la semaine et des conférences tout les mois.