Welcomes to unfunny alley!
To sum us up, we heavily disagree with censorship and believe that all views, no matter how right or wrong, should be at least read and heard by others.
Dont join if you are against freedom of speech
Suchst du neue Leute zum kennenlernen und um zu spielen?
Dann komm gerne zu Chill !
Hier kannst du mit Leuten chillen, Mitspieler für Valorant,CS,Spectre Divide,R6,Fortnite und Minecraft suchen!
Kommt ran und habt Spaß
A world where players are stuck in a game.
Probably the most fun part about the game, is the combat. Action and skill based. You’d think a game like this is turns based, but nope!. I I’m a huge fan of huge terrain shaking abilities. As you explore the game you’ll see that flair amongst arenas