Hey there, fantastic guardians and gamers! We have an exciting opportunity for you to contribute to the growth and development of our community. Many of you may have noticed the new #diablo-4 channel or have seen our #non-d2-general . We are expanding our community to offer more support in whatever avenue you all are interested in growing.

To that end, we've just posted on Patreon, first seeking our Patrons' valuable feedback on some important topics that shape the future of Seraphs of the Lost.

[Patreon Post] https://www.patreon.com/posts/calling-all-your-85796049?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

However, we highly value all our members' thoughts and ideas on our brand, vision, and mission. Your input plays a crucial role in refining our core values and creating the best possible experience for our community.

So, if you want first dibs on helping decide how the community grows, head over to our Patreon page and dive into the post. We're eager to hear your perspectives, suggestions, and preferences. Together, we can shape Seraphs of the Lost into an even more vibrant and empowering gaming community.

Additionally, if you're interested in gaining access to exclusive perks and supporting our mission, check out our Patreon page. By becoming a patron, you can enjoy special benefits while directly contributing to the growth and sustainability of Seraphs.

**PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU CAN'T DONATE, DO NOT! WE ONLY ASK FOR SUPPORT IN THE HOPES THAT SOMEDAY WE CAN FINALLY BE ABLE TO PAY RENT, IT IS NEVER REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SERVER. ** Anyone who wants to share their insights, skills, or perspective is always welcome to and we encourage everyone to share their ideas on anything we mentioned above in the #ask-a-mod channel or via DM.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Your support, engagement, and feedback are the driving force behind Seraphs of the Lost. Let's continue building an incredible community together!

With gratitude, The Seraphs of the Lost Team