Hello Seraphs Family!

As we soar into July, we're excited to share the latest happenings and updates in our vibrant community. Here's a glimpse of what's been going on:

🌟 New Events and Activities

  • Spooky Game Night: Our last Spooky Game Night was a blast! Members streamed and played their favorite horror games together, creating unforgettable, spine-chilling moments.
  • Recommend an Upcoming Tournament: Get ready for our next big event! We’re looking to host a tournament with exciting prizes. Use the server-feedback-and-review channel to suggest what you'd like to participate in and what rewards we should offer!

🧑‍🏫 Sherpa Program Enhancements

  • Training Programs: We've launched new training sessions for our Basic and Exemplar sherpas. Our monthly meetings continue to provide updates and networking opportunities to enhance our mentorship.
  • Paragon Pathways: We're excited to announce potential streaming opportunities for our Paragon sherpas. Use our brand and marketing expertise to start your streaming journey!

📚 New Guides and Resources

  • Latest Walkthroughs: We are currently in the early stages of compiling our new comprehensive guide for The NEW Destiny 2 Raid: Salvation's Edge. Our seasoned gamers are hard at work crafted detailed strategies to help you conquer new challenges.
  • Resource Library: New Destiny 2 players!! We've expanded our library with tips and tricks for improving your gameplay and enhancing your skills.

🛡️ Commitment to a Non-Toxic Environment

  • Moderation Updates: Our active moderation team has been hard at work, ensuring that our community remains a safe and welcoming space for all. Thank you for helping us maintain our standards of respect and positivity.

🤖 Improved Features

  • TogetherCrew Bot: We're now using the TogetherCrew bot to streamline communications and enhance member engagement. Check your DMs for personalized updates and announcements.
  • LFG Matchmaking: Our custom nontoxic LFG system has been optimized to help you find the perfect team without the hassle of unwanted notifications.

📅 Join the Fun!

  • Weekly Challenges: Participate in our weekly challenges and earn exclusive rewards. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just starting, there's something for everyone.
  • Community Polls: Have your say in our community polls and help shape the future of Seraphs Gaming.

Thank you for being a part of Seraphs Gaming. Your passion and dedication make our community extraordinary. Let's continue to grow, learn, and game together!

🚀 Stay Connected: Find us on Twitter, Discord, Youtube and if you like gaming and lifestyle podcasts- check out 'Stick Drift and Deadzones,' available on all major streaming platforms. Our new podcast where we interview community members and share their stories to help you navigate life's tougher levels.