Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Best Discord Trading Server for Stocks, Options, Forex and Crypto! Top analysts on Discord giving you daily trade ideas, insights and education helping you succeed.
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Best Discord Trading Server for Stocks, Options, Forex and Crypto! Top analysts on Discord giving you daily trade ideas, insights and education helping you succeed.
Hidden Realm Icon
Community | Support
Welcome to *Hidden Realm* - Safe for all SFW communities/members - System Friendly - Has Pluralkit and tupperbox for systems - Open for partnerships - Make new friends - Has a verification for systems and not a system - Has a venting category for people who are struggling
Purpose 42 Icon
Support | Social
An open project for people🫂, for the future💫 Purpose 42 is a community and support network guided by the field of humanistic psychology
Server Setup Icon
Support | Design
I create servers from scratch on request for pay. i can customize it according to owner request. I don't have restrictions on themes. Join and DM me to create your own server.
Free Promo Icon
Growth | Support
Free Promo New free promo server You can send 1 ad multiple times so no problems witch resending No problems witch piction section - only 1 channel for your self promo Has list of another free promo servers (you can partner witch us) Join now !
SocialMediaGrowth Icon
Social | Support
Follow4Follow Like4Like Comment4Comment L4L F4F C4C safasfsagsadasfugsaigfuksaghkfusajgfjkgsajkfsagfsa
House of Misfits Icon
Community | Support
Friendly self-help and support server. A fully staffed support team, regular events and accountability programs. Useful for anyone struggling with anxiety, depression, bpd, or any other mental illness and depressive episodes.
EstrelaRp Icon
Role-Playing | Support
Muito mais que um mero servidor, uma família de longa data! Somos um servidor já com bastante conhecimento e projetos sempre novos!
The Kin Gathering Icon
Community | Support
Hello Internet! We are a fresh new 18 + sfw kinning server. The goal with us is that we want to be able to build a welcoming community, one where we feel connected and understood. We also want to focus on connecting people with those who are missing their Canonmates, and offer support and care who struggle with their kin. Doubles are welcomed!!! There is plenty more in the server itself, so come on in! Help us develop a great community!
PixelPulse GTA Icon
Gaming | Support
🚀 Welcome to PixelPulse - Your Ultimate Destination for Modded GTA 5 Accounts! 🚀 🔥 **Premium Modded Accounts**: Our accounts are meticulously crafted to deliver the ultimate gaming experience. From unlimited cash and RP to exclusive vehicles and weapons, we've got everything you need. 💎 **Unmatched Quality**: We take pride in offering accounts that are 100% safe, secure, and undetectable. Our team of experts ensures that each account meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. 🚀 **Instant Delivery**: Say goodbye to waiting! With PixelPulse, you'll receive your modded account instantly upon purchase. Dive straight into the action without any delays. 💬 **24/7 Customer Support**: Have a question or need assistance? Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to provide you with prompt and friendly assistance. Get ready to revolutionize your gaming journey with PixelPulse! 🎮💥
𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻 ✩˚₊‧ Icon
Support | Health
🚀⋆。‧˚ Welcome cosmic travelers to Interstellar! 🌌˚‧。⋆ Embark on a journey across the digital cosmos where stars collide and friendships form constellations. Here, amidst the intergalactic sprawl, you'll discover a community as vast and diverse as the universe itself. 🛸 Navigate through nebulas of knowledge, engage in supernova discussions, and bond over shared stellar interests. Just remember to respect each astronaut's space suit and keep your comms free from cosmic interference. 🌠 So strap in, activate your hyperdrives, and let's explore the unknown together. This isn't just any server; it's your very own space odyssey! Please adhere to the celestial code as you float through our space station. And always remember, in this ever-expanding digital universe, you are amongst the stars!✨ Icon
Gaming | Support
Willkommen auf - Deinem ultimativen Minecraft-Netzwerk! Entdecke eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten in der neuesten Minecraft-Version 1.20.x auf unserem einzigartigen CityBuild-Server. bietet dir ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis, das von der Gemeinschaft, Wirtschaft und Städtebau geprägt ist. Im CityBuild-Modus hast du die Möglichkeit, deine eigene Stadt zu gründen, Gebäude zu errichten und mit anderen Spielern zu handeln. Arbeite mit deinen Freunden zusammen, um epische Bauwerke zu schaffen, oder trete gegen andere Städte in spannenden Wettbewerben an. Die Wirtschaft ist dynamisch und von den Spielern gesteuert, was bedeutet, dass du durch Handel und Investitionen an Einfluss und Reichtum gewinnen kannst. Unser Server legt großen Wert auf Gemeinschaft und Teamarbeit. Tausche dich mit anderen Spielern auf unserem Discord-Server aus, der unter erreichbar ist. Hier kannst du nicht nur neue Freunde finden, sondern auch Informationen zu Events, Updates
Dating & Relationship Advice Icon
Community | Support
Are you like so many others that face troubles when it comes to dating, relationships or simply life in general? Join in and ask for advice from our growing team of life coaches, mentors and community members.
Nexus Vault・ Social & Gaming Icon
Gaming | Social | Community
⌜🍫.welcome to Nexus Vault! .a social chatting & gaming server with a fun and inclusive community𓂃 && exclusives for anime lovers! ⟢︲OW, Genshin, Val, COD, and more — anime movie nights, events, and giveaways. One of the cleanest and safest server's you'll ever be in!
Nexus Vault・ Social & Gaming Discord Server Banner
Nexus Vault・ Social & Gaming Icon
Gaming | Social | Community
⌜🍫.welcome to Nexus Vault! .a social chatting & gaming server with a fun and inclusive community𓂃 && exclusives for anime lovers! ⟢︲OW, Genshin, Val, COD, and more — anime movie nights, events, and giveaways. One of the cleanest and safest server's you'll ever be in!
Royalink Icon
Community | Support
--- ***—Welcome to RoyaLink—*** **Where Tradition Meets Connectivity** 🏰 ***_Embrace the Monarchy_*** In the heart of RoyaLink lies a unique digital kingdom, ruled with the grace and precision of a Monarchial Government. Our staff system, inspired by the ranks of royalty, brings order, respect, and a touch of regal flair to our community. 🤝 ***_Why Join Us?_*** RoyaLink is not just a server; it's a realm where each member, from Sovereign to Commoner, plays a pivotal role. Here's why you should be a part of our kingdom: - **Engaging Monarchical:** Experience a one-of-a-kind monarchical structure that brings a sense of belonging and accomplishment. - **Community Spirit:** Engage in a vibrant community where making new friends is not just easy, it's inevitable. - **Diverse Activities:** From royal debates to knightly games, our server is bustling with activities to keep you entertained and engaged. - **A Royalist Touch:** Interact with Royalist, our dedicated server bot, designed to
FiveM Market✨ Icon
Gaming | Support
KeyWorld 🔑 We offer cheapest FiveM Patreon, upvotes, nitro and GTA V licenses. Payment methods: 🛒 Paysafe carda PayPal Crypto
web3industries Icon
Technology | Support
This is a server primarily for file sharing, collaboration, networking, torrenting, Q&A, crypto, tech, music, etc.
Testy Szkolne Icon
Education | Support
Witaj na naszym serwerze! Jesteśmy najlepszym źródłem pomocy dla uczniów szkół podstawowych i średnich. Posiadamy największą bazę sprawdzianów, testów, kartkówek i innych materiałów edukacyjnych z różnych wydawnictw, dostępnych w atrakcyjnych cenach. 📚 Dlaczego warto dołączyć do naszego serwera? ▪ Posiadamy kompleksową bazę pomocy z różnych przedmiotów i poziomów edukacyjnych. ▪ Nasze materiały są dostępne w atrakcyjnych cenach, umożliwiając skuteczną naukę bez nadmiernych kosztów. ▪ Oferujemy wsparcie przy odrabianiu prac domowych, przygotowaniu do lekcji oraz rozwiązywaniu zadań. ▪ Jesteśmy społecznością z pasją do nauki, gotową służyć pomocą i dzielić się wiedzą. Dołącz do nas już teraz i przekonaj się, dlaczego nasz serwer jest liderem w dostarczaniu najwyższej jakości materiałów edukacyjnych. Razem osiągniemy sukces w nauce!
♫ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ's ᴀᴛ ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇ♫ Icon
Support | Music
This is a very friendly server with the best people! We're trying to grow and you could help us too, we try to make things fun and interesting. We'd love if you joined us in our server!
Endo Support International Icon
Support | Health
Endo Support International is a community for people with endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS or other conditions that cause pelvic pain. We have fun events including a book club and movie/game nights, QOTD, a resource section and doctor list, sections for discussing medical issues as well as hobbies and interests, voice chat, and more! We are open to everyone and try to provide a supportive and welcoming environment, where we can provide education and resources as well as make friends who understand our struggles. Our server is LGBTQ+ friendly and inclusive with an active mod team. We have a manual verification process to protect our members' privacy and prevent spammers, trolls, etc., but our mods check the server multiple times a day and approve new members quickly.
Discollab Icon
Support | Growth
Discollab is a brand new website for listing Discord Servers and Bots! Get started with us today to boost the visibility of your servers and bots! To create and manage a listing, just head over to our online dashboard to get started! While you're there make sure to check out our guidelines and getting started articles. In our Discord server we offer direct support, updates, giveaways, a channel for self-promotion and more!
Deep's Treasures Icon
Art | Support
ITALIAN-ENGLISH SERVER Per tutti coloro che disegnano, modellano, suonano, cantano, programmano, animano etc. Questo è un server dedicato ai piccoli e grandi freelancer, dove si possono condividere esperienze o semplicemente rilassarsi e guardare i lavori altrui. L'obiettivo è riunire le comunità di freelancer e non lasciare potere ai grandi server, over-saturati ed ultra-competitivi, dove l'arte viene relegata a persone tossiche e i piccoli disegnatori vengono affogati da aspettative non rispettate e dalla impossibilità di essere rappresentati. For all those who draw, model, play, sing, program, animate etc. This is a server dedicated to small and large freelancers, where you can share experiences or simply relax and look at other people's work. The goal is to bring together the freelancer communities and not leave power to large, over-saturated and ultra-competitive servers, where art is relegated to toxic people and small designers are drowned by unfulfilled expectations
Streaming | Support
Grader Savers Icon
Education | Support
Struggling to meet tight deadlines on your essays and assignments? Join our Discord community group for expert writing services and academic support. Our experienced writers deliver high-quality work with a turnaround time of less than 48 hours. Plus, if you join now, you'll get a FREE one-pager trial to see how our services can help you succeed. Don't wait, join our friendly and supportive community today! Click here to join:
Fasting Host Icon
Business | Support
Join Fasting.Host for top-notch Web Hosting Services and support! From Cloud VDS to game server hosting, our community is here to help you succeed online. Get expert advice, network with professionals, and access a wealth of resources. All levels welcome!
KannaBot Support Icon
Support | Bot
This is the support server of KannaBot, where your questions are answered during the use of the bot.
Star Serpent's Community Icon
Music | Art
A server where you can chill and talk about anything to do with music. There's a small spotlight on the more artistic or niche parts of music, while also being the community discord for the record label!
Star Serpent's Community Discord Server Banner
Star Serpent's Community Icon
Music | Art
A server where you can chill and talk about anything to do with music. There's a small spotlight on the more artistic or niche parts of music, while also being the community discord for the record label!
Brewy's Server 4 Icon
Technology | Support
Brewy's Server 4 A tech server with all kinds of stuff! ◉ Forum channels ◉ Game channels Play with games From discord and have fun! (Like OWO, Virtual Fisher, Dank memer, yggradsil...) ◉ Tech Helping channels Need help on tech? Just ask us! ◉ Console / Android/iOS phones/tablets Modding channels Oh, you like Modding consoles or Phones? Well, a bunch of other people in the server also do. :P ◉ Mic & Streaming channels Talk and/or Stream something of your choice, or just hang out. ◉ topic-specific channels (A.K.A. the fancier Off-topic) ( On this server only) Bloomy AI An AI Powered by Shapes inc. Which will help you with your tech issues. Little warning: We didn't fully test out what it could help you with. We are waiting you :)
GloriousCraft Icon
Gaming | Support
Welcome to GloriousCraft, where adventure and creativity collide in the boundless realms of Minecraft! Delve into a vibrant community of builders, explorers, and adventurers, where every block tells a story and every landscape offers untold possibilities. Forge friendships as you embark on epic quests, conquer mighty dungeons, or craft your own bustling metropolis. With custom plugins and an attentive staff, our server ensures a seamless and thrilling experience for all players. Unleash your imagination and build wonders beyond imagination in GloriousCraft, where the only limit is your own creativity. Join us today and discover the endless wonders that await in our glorious world!
CellCurity Icon
Technology | Support
get all your help with pc,phone,games,consoles,apps,software,AI,and more just koin now to get all the tech help you need from a community of multiple members
The Cloud Hotel Icon
Community | Support
Hiya! If you are looking for a calm and safe environment to hang out and chill, consider joining the Cloud Hotel! We have... ・Friendly Staff and Community** ・Fun Bots** ・Regular Events** ・24/7 Music** ・Channels to share your work** ・An Official Minecraft Multiplayer Server** To join, click the link, read the rules, and verify. See you soon!
Vextrosity Icon
Gaming | Support
Find high quality Minecraft maps. This includes arenas, spawns, warzones, landscapes, prison mines & dungeons. Come join if you're looking for good builds for your server or if you just want to showcase your creations. We are also actively looking for experienced solo builders to join our team. Planet Minecraft:
Solid Server Development Icon
Technology | Support
This server provides a great tool for anyone looking to build a server on Discord. We also offer support with design, managing a server and any technical issues you may need assistance with!
Ruffy Bot Icon
Support | Technology
Multipurpose bot packed with features - Security and Reliability - Performance - Development possibilities ==>
DC Services Icon
Technology | Support
🚀 Welcome to DC Services - Your Ultimate Discord Companion! 🚀 Looking to elevate your Discord server? From beginners to veterans, we offer expert guidance on existing bots and tools, crafting custom commands tailored to your needs. Our 24/7 AI chat bot ensures instant support. With personalized solutions, community engagement strategies, and performance optimization, let's take your server to new heights! Join DC Services today and experience the difference.
re:dose Icon
Community | Support
harm reduction & recovery community offering 24/7 live peer support. all ages, inclusive. everyone is welcome.
Double Life Icon
Support | Community
A supportive community where you can freely vent, seek advice, and connect with others in a judgment-free zone. With the option to vent anonymously, we provide a safe space for you to express yourself openly. Join us for compassionate support and meaningful conversations! New server – a safe space for venting, support, and friendships. Enjoy weekly events, troll-free vibes, and a close-knit feel. Our server will grow ensuring a lasting safe space. ✨
Servidores em Sintonia Icon
Community | Support
Tá procurando alguém experiente pra criar um servidor maneiro no Discord? Então você tá no lugar certo! Com mais de 3 anos de experiência, eu posso montar um servidor personalizado pra você, com canais de voz e texto, permissões e funções, além de bots pra turbinar sua comunidade. Então se liga, se você quer criar um servidor incrível no Discord e fazer uma comunidade incrível, me chama que eu tô pronto pra ajudar! PREÇOS Servidor simples R$2,00 Servidor completo R$5,00 OPCIONAIS Ajuda na moderação (2 semanas) R$5,00 Preferencia R$2,50 Revisão (por 3 semanas) R$,2,50
Nova strike unit Icon
Military | Support
This server is about a Fictional Special forces Unit trying to Ally with An Fictional Not real terror-group
The Umbrella Academy Icon
Community | Role-Playing | Social
The Umbrella Academy Discord server - The best place to talk to other fans of the Netflix TV Show "Umbrella Academy"! Join us today for exciting discussions and awesome fan-theories!
The Umbrella Academy Discord Server Banner
The Umbrella Academy Icon
Community | Role-Playing | Social
The Umbrella Academy Discord server - The best place to talk to other fans of the Netflix TV Show "Umbrella Academy"! Join us today for exciting discussions and awesome fan-theories!
Panic Party - Anxiety Support Icon
Support | Growth
Join our supportive community for individuals navigating anxiety and other related mental issues. Find understanding, encouragement, and practical resources to help you through tough times. You're not alone on this journey – let's support each other and spread positivity together. Join us today and take a step towards healing and connection.
Zodiac Lobby Icon
Community | Support
Welcome to Zodiac Lobby! We are a community server that focuses on astrology, community, and meeting new people. Our server welcomes everybody with their beliefs and opinions. Everyone can learn something new by talking to someone new. Make new friends and say hi to existing ones in the many channels that we’ve created to give you the best experience possible… And we’ve made all these channels for YOU! Join if you want to talk about astrology in a server where we foster community and fun! Note from server creator: I try to keep the server well managed by “hiring” active staff who are friendly and welcoming and trying to be online lots myself to help out anyone in need!
Ice Marketplace Icon
Gaming | Support
Discover a secure Fortnite account marketplace where you can buy, sell, and trade legitely. Access rare skins and exclusive items. Our platform prioritizes transparency and fairness, ensuring a trustworthy environment.
Atrioxhosting Icon
Business | Support
Welcome to the Atrioxhosting Discord Server! Atrioxhosting is a server hosting service that aims to make the internet safer, faster, and more enjoyable! One of our projects is AtrioxShield, an initiative focused on safeguarding websites against the most advanced DDoS attacks. In the future, we plan to expand with the yet undisclosed project, AtrioxGame.
MR2 Icon
Community | Support
This is a server dedicated to the Toyota MR2 community. We want to build a more connected community. We hope you say with us as we grow.
ChroniCove Icon
Community | Support
A safe harbour on Discord for those with Chronic Illness, Conditions, and Disabilities. Build a community of care, mutual support, fun and celebration of the life we *can* have, without having to explain or prove in medical terms why thats hard sometimes. English only server, 16+, welcoming of all nationalities, orientations, and identities. We support self-diagnosis.
The Study Hive🍯 Icon
Education | Social | Support
We are a hive of bees that help each other through encouragement and positivity we all aim to self improve and strike a balance in academics and social life. Entrance exams are stressful but the don't have to only be that in our hive.
Heartache Show Icon
Support | Community
Monthly Nitro GIVEAWAY, we watch movies together, voice chat, there is a licensed therapist in there who gives people feedback if they want and overall has been a place that has helped many forward since their breakup. Our server is different. Why? there is a licensed therapist in there who specializes in heartbreak and breakups. The place is honestly amazing. See you in there?
The Colorado Myco League Icon
Growth | Support
At The Colorado Myco League, we agree that past approaches to mental health have failed to fulfill their promises and we deserve more tools to address our health issues. We recognize that nearly all mushrooms are medicine and can be used as an effective and comparatively safe approach to support physical and mental health. As a group we emphasize community, personal wellness, and the health benefits that mushrooms of all types can provide. In an effort to stay within the legal boundaries of Colorado law (Proposition 122), any channels dealing with giving away or trading regulated natural medicines will be locked behind a Verified 21+ role. If you want access to those channels DM an Admin with proof that you are over 21 and we will give you access to those channels asap. We will always respect your privacy and never save or share your personal information for any reason, other than to verify your age the one time. This will also help give everyone peace of mind in our dealings.
Southside Icon
Support | Design
Bot for southside alslaslaslaasoaoask aoskdaskdasodksadokasdo kasdkaosdkasodksadokasdokadokasdokasd aodk aosdkado kadoak doakd oakdoask daokda dokasdokaso daksodakodakdoadokdoask daokdsaodkasodkadok
Support | Music
hello if you are a fan of young posse please enter our server discord dedicated to them where there are always updates about them and where we talk about them and make FRIENDS!!!!
Advertising World Icon
Growth | Support
`Looking for servers to advertise in? **What we offer** 👥 **Free Advertising** Channels 🚀 Plenty of channels to advertise in 📈 Multiple channels to advertise in 📈 **Rapidly growing** server 🛰️ Gain members **quickly** ✨ **No limit** to how much you can advertise a day ⌛ **Quick cooldowns**`
Der Server Icon
LGBT | Community | Just Chatting
A welcoming community where you can delve into discussions on politics, history, current events, and all your passions.
Der Server Discord Server Banner
Der Server Icon
LGBT | Community | Just Chatting
A welcoming community where you can delve into discussions on politics, history, current events, and all your passions.
Apex Market Icon
Technology | Support
APEX SERVICES STORE‎️‍🔥 For everyone who wants to get an advantage or need help in the game, without taking any risk of ban! join the discord server for more info,
HexaVerse | Hosting Icon
Support | Business
- 3 napig ingyen, előre utalás nélkül kipróbálhatod vásárolni kívánt szolgáltatásunk közül bármelyiket - Új generációs Ryzen 9 7900-as processzor - 24/7 futtatjuk szervere(i)det - 15GB ingyen tárhelyet kapsz a legkisebb csomagunktól - 4+ év tapasztalat van csapattagjaink mögött szerver készítésben és futtatásban egyaránt - Ingyen nyújtunk segítséget mindenkinek Discordon
[vRP] Support Romania Icon
Community | Support
[vRP] Support Romania este un server cu o multime de scripturi pentru fivem Gratis, te asteptam si pe tine.
Yuna's Apartment Icon
Bot | Support
Welcome to Yuna's Apartment! Whether to suggest new features, report problems or just chat and meet new people. This server is a support server for Yuna. Yuna is a simple multiporpuse Discord bot: Chatbot - Chat with Yuna anytime AI Image Generation - Yuna can generate any image that you want (SFW) Auto Moderation Moderation Fun Memes Economy Minigames Global Chat - Talk with people anywhere And much more!
Servidores em sintonia Icon
Community | Support
Tá procurando alguém experiente pra criar um servidor maneiro no Discord? Então você tá no lugar certo! Com mais de 3 anos de experiência, eu posso montar um servidor personalizado pra você, com canais de voz e texto, permissões e funções, além de bots pra turbinar sua comunidade. Então se liga, se você quer criar um servidor incrível no Discord e fazer uma comunidade incrível, me chama que eu tô pronto pra ajudar! PREÇOS Servidor simples R$2,00 Servidor completo R$5,00 OPCIONAIS Ajuda na moderação (2 semanas) R$5,00 Preferencia R$2,50 Revisão (por 3 semanas) R$,2,50
Community | Support
This is an age verified 18+ server for people with DID, OSDD, and those who are questioning. We’re just getting started so join us!
Lively Tavern Icon
Community | Support
Lively Tavern is a brand new server focused on providing a non-toxic environment to hangout, socialize and make new friends! This will be a chill community server focused mainly on making new friends. Friendly and welcoming to all types of people, LGBTQ+ friendly. Do you need somewhere safe and cozy to hangout? Then check out Lively Tavern!
Press F1 for Cuddles Icon
Support | Community
A comfortable, relaxing place for all! Be able to relax and talk among your fellow peers. Have unlimited cuddles, new friends, tender moments, and a support group for anyone who is feeling down. Press F1 and get started! We cycle through various topics together as a community and have each other's back when things go hard with life. If you have any issues, please let us know! You are worth every second!
Supporter Icon
Community | Support
😁Join our Discord to have fun, chat, play and get support on everything. 😌You can also lern languages, like German. Discover more in our community!🔥🔥
Women’s Refuge *ೃ༄ Icon
Community | Support
🌻 🅦🅔🅛🅒🅞🅜🅔 🅣🅞 🅦🅞🅜🅔🅝’🅢 🅡🅔🅕🅤🅖🅔 🌷 ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ✧.* We’re a server providing support and resources to women battling mental & physical illness, gynaecological issues, abusive relationships, life challenges and much more. ⎯⎯ ୨ 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙚 𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧: ୧ ⎯⎯ 🤍 resources on abortion & birth control 🤍 mental health support channels 🤍 info on both mental & physical illnesses 🤍 personalized gynecological advice provided by Aphrodite, our server's owner & medical student 🤍 a safe space for trans women with inclusive support 🤍 warm & caring staff 💗 Plus, so much more! ✩‧₊˚ LGBTQ+ friendly 🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 🔗
Inferno server Icon
Gaming | Support
hello! this server is not finished this server is made for gaming and coumminty fun! just have fun. have a good day!.
Gaming | Support
We are a call of duty discord server for promoting your content making friends and hanging out. We also do community montages and promote you for free.