Trader Capital LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto
We're better than Wall Street Bible. With over +10K members Trader Capital is the #1 stock / options server that provides alerts, strategies, ideas, and news for everyone! •📅 Daily Alerts •🎤 Live Trading •💰 $1 million+ in member profits •📚 Live Classes
Trader Capital LLC Discord Server Banner
Trader Capital LLC Discord Server Banner
Trader Capital LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto
We're better than Wall Street Bible. With over +10K members Trader Capital is the #1 stock / options server that provides alerts, strategies, ideas, and news for everyone! •📅 Daily Alerts •🎤 Live Trading •💰 $1 million+ in member profits •📚 Live Classes
Bienheureux Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
Hi! Wanna have cool powers and hang out at a school strictly for the supernatural?? Well this roleplay is for you then my friend! We are however limited on character abilities so be sure to read before deciding on a power! Most usually fall into a category but there are still quite a few abilities that we prohibit! We are a literate server and dont use the following: * *, - -, or anything if the sort. Some examples of the powers are but jot limited too: - Shapeshifting - Pyromancy - Hydromancy - Necromancy - Luxmancy And of course plenty more! So if this sounds like a fun rp to you, join our lovely group discord rp!