Hey everyone, It's finally here, PvP-Duels is the first gamemode on the network to get the “Release” status!

This game mode has already been worked on from xx-10-2020, unfortunately we don't remember the exact day, but that is a total of 1 year, 162 days! PvP Duels I see as stable from this point on and will not receive any more updates as long as other game modes are my priority. Suggestions for the game are of course always open! I am always open to add new and/or better features to a game.

Check out the #『?』pvp-duels channel to find all information about this gamemode!

Check out the #『?』change-log channel to keep up to date with the latest updates I'm making to the network, or other bug fixes for Duels!

Found a bug anyway?:

No problem! Use the /check command and take a screenshot of it. Send me this screenshot along with the rest of the debug information. Thanks in advance!

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