hey everyone,

After 8 months of working on Sniper, I finally have another update for you. And trust me, this is no small update. The system for Sniper has been rebuilt from the ground up with as many updates, improvements and bug fixes as possible!

Sniper may still be in “v0.3.19.4-Alpha_10”, but compared to the old “” update, this is insane! But yes, that may also work after 8 months. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to the City and Crystal maps with this update. The City map has been permanently deleted. Crystal is a map that will come back when it's finished.

What's new:

➟ Added a % chance for getting the arrows.

  • You now have a 10% chance of not getting a special arrow.
  • You now have a 40% chance of getting a Frozen Arrow.
  • You now have a 30% chance of getting a Healing Arrow.
  • You now have a 15% chance of getting an Explosive Arrow.
  • You now have a 5% chance of getting a Lightning Arrow.

And the rest:

  • Added a new system where you now have more chances to shoot glass.
  • Added in-game tips to better understand the special arrows and the game.
  • The "world border" now starts to shrink from 8 min, instead of 5 min.
  • Changed the dead notifications so you can now see who the killer was.
  • The timer changed from 10 minutes to 20 minutes.
  • You are now at the end of your game with your stats.
  • Added the Healing Arrow
  • Added "Desert" map.

Bug Fixes: For bug fixes read #『?』change-logs.

Or directly via the link: https://discord.com/channels/445945915774337036/779891668065058856/875469613503250462