Welcome to Battle Stakes... In this video, Takeda Shingen will review how battles work - primarily your options and decisions by utilizing a flow chart. The ecosystem may seem complex but once you understand how it operates, it is quite simple. In the second part of the video Takeda goes over the tokenomics inregards to $GEN and $ARENA payouts and how much to expect depending on the length of the battle. Make sure to ask any questions in the comment section or in upcoming AMAs. Lastly, keep an eye out for the next clue in the scavenger hunt!
Make sure to get into our Discord server to have an advantage on knowing when the videos are released, as well as all the presale and launch info. Discord: https://discord.gg/battlestakes
The project created by data scientists over the past 24 months. We don't rely on cute avatars or loud memes, just proven mathematics and logic to increase your crypto yield. Our presale starts in mid October. For the latest updates please visit our Discord and follow us on Twitter.
? YouTube link: https://youtu.be/4glbxMKlQ6k