Google bot

Google bot will bring you results of all kinds from all over the web right in your discord server

Website can be found on
Detailed documentation can be found on

Join the support server if you have a suggestion or have any questions

About Bot

Google bot will bring you results of all kinds from all over the web right in your discord server

Website can be found on
Detailed documentation can be found on

Join the support server if you have a suggestion or have any questions

Recent Posts

Translation! :D


Google Bot update 1.5.1V Whats new?

  • g/translate command + slash command
  • translate to english context menu

Both features are already published to the public :) Thats all for this update, Stay healthy and drink a lot of water ?

Long update on discordMe

Not gonna lie I forgot that DiscordMe even exists, anyways there was been a ton new features added to the bot + a website and documentation Be sure to check it out :)

Prefix changing finally here?

Change the prefix to the one you prefer with "g/change_prefix <prefix>" command! :D

If you need to find out whats the bot current prefix just ping + prefix

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